PyNoon Starter Lesson 3

Warm-Up Exercise

Continue Lesson 2’s Exercise

  • Show your password generator from Lesson 2’s Exercise to a neighbour you didn’t come with:
    • Without explaining your code, can they understand what each line achieves?
    • What changes would make it easier to read?
    • Hint: Add comments to explain your calculation
      • Lines starting with # are not run as code
      • E.g. # This is a comment


  • To the host for the great venue!
  • To our sponsors


  • Fire escapes
  • Toilets
  • Cleaning up after ourselves
  • WiFi

Tutorial Objectives

  • Lists
  • Dictionaries

Independent Work/Homework

  1. Exercise Notebook:
    • Function and de-duplication exercises
    • See the Exercise Notebook for PyNoon Starter Lesson 3 at
  2. Work through sections:
    1. If statements