PyNoon Data Lesson 2 - Tutorial

This tutorial will cover Boolean comparisons and more Pandas for analysing and manipulating tabular data.

It is based on:


Boolean Comparisons

Comparison operators can be used to compare two values:

1 < 2

In the code above, we are effectively asking “is 1 less than 2?”.

Let’s try the “greater than or equal to” operator next:

1 >= 2

The value returned is either True or False, a Boolean value:

type(1 < 2)

To check if two values are equal, use two equal signs (as a single equal sign is used by Python for assignment):

'pynoon' == 'pynoon'
'pynoon' == 'PYNOON'

We can directly state a Boolean value by name - but remember to start with a capital letter!


Boolean values can be inverted with not:

not True

Multiple Boolean values can be combined with and and or, or inverted with not:

True and False
True or False

As usual, parentheses can be used to group operations:

True and (True or False)

Comparisons are commonly used to conditionally run different lines of code using if statements (as seen in more detail in the Futurecoder lessons):

bag_kg = 3
if bag_kg < 7:
    print('Bag allowed as carry-on')
    print('Please proceed to board the plane')
    print('Please check your bag')

Note: The else: clause is optional



  1. Make a new notebook for this lesson
  2. What’s the first thing to do? RENAME IT!
  3. Name it pynoon_data_2.ipynb

Loading Data into Pandas

As we did last lesson, let’s load our AirBnB listings data into Pandas:

import pandas as pd
listings_df = pd.read_csv('')

We can load data from local files or, in this case, directly from a URL.


Use comparisons to select data based on value.

Recall that we can refer to a single column from a DataFrame, returning a value with a type of Pandas’ Series:


Using a comparison operator on a Series performs the comparison to each value in the Series, and returns a new Series full of Boolean values:

listings_df['region_parent_name'] == 'Auckland'

Remember: the type of the value determines what an operation will do with it.

We can use the Boolean Series, commonly called a mask, to return a new DataFrame that is filtered to contain only the rows where the mask is True:

auckland_mask = listings_df['region_parent_name'] == 'Auckland'

Plotting filtered DataFrames

Let’s use filtering to plot the ratings of highly reviewed listings.

First, import Plotly and plot the ratings:

%pip install plotly nbformat
import as px

px.histogram(listings_df, x='review_scores_rating')

Now, filter the DataFrame to only contain listings with more than 100 reviews:

px.histogram(listings_df[listings_df['number_of_reviews'] > 100], x='review_scores_rating')

Combining filters

Just as we could use not, and, and or to combine Boolean values, we can also combine Boolean Series.

Let’s remind ourselves of the value of auckland_mask:


Just like how we can use not to invert a Boolean value, we can use ~ to invert a mask:


We can also use | to perform an or operation between two masks, and & to perform an and operation:

good_mask = listings_df['review_scores_rating'] > 4.9
auckland_mask | good_mask
auckland_mask & good_mask

One final note: Conditions on NaN values always return False.

Computing new columns

Performing maths on a Series applies the operation to each value in the Series, returning a new Series:

nzd_to_aud = 0.93
listings_df['price_nzd'] * nzd_to_aud

Performing maths with two Series applies the operation element-wise to each pair of values from the two Series:

listings_df['price_nzd'] / listings_df['accommodates']

We can add a new column to an existing DataFrame by assigning to a new column name that doesn’t exist in the DataFrame yet:

listings_df['price_per_person'] = listings_df['price_nzd'] / listings_df['accommodates']

Pandas and Plotly Documentation

Find out what other functions (methods) and variables (attributes) are attached to DataFrames and Series from their reference documentation:

Similarly, look at the user guide and reference documentation for Plotly express to see what other plot types are available and what arguments they will accept to configure them:

Column Types and Data Preparation

Every column has a type of value stored in it:

We can convert date columns from strings to dates:


We must assign the transformed columns to replace the original columns:

listings_df['host_since'] = pd.to_datetime(listings_df['host_since'])
listings_df['last_review'] = pd.to_datetime(listings_df['last_review'])

We can also remove the dollar sign from each price:

listings_df['price'].str.replace('$', '', regex=False)

We can “chain” additional method calls on the results of previous method calls to replace commas and convert the column data type from string to float:

listings_df['price'].str.replace('$', '', regex=False).str.replace(',', '', regex=False).astype(float)
listings_df['price'] = listings_df['price'].str.replace('$', '', regex=False).str.replace(',', '', regex=False).astype(float)